Monday, October 8, 2007


It is only in the United States, where there is persisent criticism surrounding the discoveries of Christopher Columbus. There is no doubt in either Europe or South America.  Asia has no reason to doubt established thinking.

Columbus Day has been an established Federal Holiday since 1934.  Each year there is less and less respect and observance of the date and events.  In many educational circles there is hostility and anti-intelectualsim toward the accomplishments of Columbus.  In many cases, this is the result of yielding to hostile antisocial and political factions within the educational community itself.

With this kind of anti-intellectual thinking, society will have to blame the nuclear bombing of Japan on Albert Einstein or your Electric Bill on Thomas Edison.

A Very Spritual Man of 1492, Who Knew It Could Be Done. He had the Dream, The Vision, The Persistant Courage, But NO one would believe him.....Not even Today.

As a decendant of the Conquests of the Knights Templar and the Templar Code, as well as the Victory of El Cid over the Moorish Kings of Spain in 1090, a full five years prior to the First Crusade of Pope Urban in 1095, the Mission and Voyage of Columbus was the fullfillment of the Heritage of Spain from the time of its Roman Empire beginnings to the final Conquest of the Moors at Grenada on January 1, 1492.

Carrying on the Tradition of the Templar Knights and El Cid ((The Commander Lord in Arabic)), Columbus used all the accumulated knowledge of both ally and foe to bring about his great successes and victories.

Both the El Cid and the Templars did not revile their Muslim foes. Rather they used their accumulated knowledge to achieve their individual as well as Christian goals. El Cid in particular Commanded an Army of Moor and Christian knights to defeat the Moorish kings at Valencia, Spain in the year 1099.

Perhaps it was no mere Coincidence that Columbus orchestrated his First Landing at San Salvador in the New World on October 12, 1492.

It was on October 13, 1307 that the Knights Templar were treacherously attacked by the King of France and the Pope, then nearly wiped out and sent into exile mysteriously.

This would have been the Perfect Statement of the Templar Code to reestablish their dominence, majesty, loyalty and reverence for the Crown, the Pope and Christianity itself.

[[On Sunday, October 2, 2011, the "HISTORY CABLE CHANNEL" presented it's "History of the World in 2 Hours". In that report of 100 minutes, the History Channel which has always been "non-committal" about the significant contributions of the Columbus Voyages and controversey actually stated: "The Voyages of Columbus beginning in August of 1492 and culminating on October 12, 1492 was "the most significant event in the human history of the planet". "It caused the immediate linking of the new and old worlds which were previously unknown to each other." They spent 5 minutes on the Vogages of Columbus which represents 5% of the entire 2 hour program event.
This is extremely important to all Columbus followers worldwide. The Admiral of the Ocean Sea and his decendants finally have received honors they deserve. That program did mention the abuses that were related to that discovery as well.]]

Columbius did not have a Viking, Chinese or Japanese map. He did have the Most Well Known Map of the World yet known. A Map as well published as the Bible at that time. It was "GEOGRAPHIA." The Map of Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria, Egypt. Ptolemy was the Preminent Map Maker in History of that time. If the Vikings had a better map, Ptolemy would have owned it. It was from the maps and work of these Cosmographers that Columbus surmised that the Earth was a Sphere.

We all live here today, Kings, Corporate Giants, Beggars and Bloggers...We give little or no respect for this life of Courage, Dedication and Resolve.

As well Disrespected As Jesus Christ, George Bush and Christopher Columbus....They Just Dhue Not Get It.

We now suspect that he may have Somme respect in South West Asia......
They ATTACKED the USS COLE (Sounds like Cole-Umbus)on OCTOBER 12, 2000.

All my research is liberally based on the very informative book of "Columbus and The Age of Discovery", 1991, by Zvi Dor-Ner, published by William Morrow and Company, NY, NY.

One thing to Remember is Columbus never claimed he discovered America. He always claimed he discovered a "route to the West Indies". This was both a wish and self interested claim for completion of his "contract" with King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella Spain.

He was utlitmately thinking like a Lawyer. Columbus had a contract with the Royalty of Spain to gain immense profit by finding a "Route Across the Atlantic to the West Indies". That is what he needed to FIND. IF he did fulfill that Agreement, then he was 'Admiral of the Ocean Sea' and Entitled to immense profits as a "shareholder" in the Riches of the Orient derived by discoveries and TRADE.

If he discovered a NEW WORLD, then he was not completing his CONTRACT. Only by finding a West Route to CIPANGU (JAPAN) would he fullfil his contract with SPAIN.

I honestly understand and sympathize with those who claim that America was Already Discovered by Native Americans, Vikings, Knights Templar, Lord Sinclair, Chinese, Polynesians and Irish Monks.

The Vikings beginning in the 8th Century were fierce conquering warriors. They raided all of the inhabitants of England, Ireland and Scotland. Like all conquerors in the history of our planet they raided, plundered and subjugated the peoples they defeated. There is a great history of this in all the lands they plundered from England to Italy. They were not particularly interested in discovery. But like all Conquerors they made their conquests known. There is absolutely no evidence of Viking treasure trove from the Americas. There are no Iroquois, feather headress, maidens, slaves, buffalo, racoon or other evidence.  Scott Wolter may be a good and honest man. But like the man who discovered the Brontosaurus. His theory and evidence are incorrect.

Had the Native Americans sailed EAST to Spain and Discovered Europe, we certainly would have given them credit for the tremendous effort of Crossing the Atlantic and Opening the Age of Discovery of the 15th Century.

But as it is, they saw no compelling reason to look for other lands and peoples. Give credit where it is Dhue. All discovery is half Imagination, half Courage and Half Luck. It is SYNERGY.

Another tremendous part of this Success is a Ship. The Spanish Caravel. Fast,light, nimble with a low draft. She was the Space Shuttle of 1492. With the ability to be Rigged with both Square and Lateen (Triangular) sails, she could take advantage of the Winds across the Atlantic like no other ship of her time. This technological innovation of 1492 was truly a secret to the success of Columbus. It was SYNERGY. The COMBINATION of all these technologies of both the old Roman sails and new Arabian sails that was INNOVATIVE. This innovation was unknown to anyone before the time of Columbus.The combination of efforts, ideas and accomplishments are GREATER THAN EACH OF THE PARTS.

There is such a thing as "Publication Rights". No one has found a "American Bison Skull Trophy" in any Viking Burial Mound. When they find one, they we have to agree they arrived in Ohio before the Spanish Conquistadors.

Columbus is not the Hilton Corporate Empire.... He was not a Corporation like Ted Turner.

Columbus is the Founder of the United States, The Indian Casinos and FOX News....But they give no Respect.

They Said....NO....The Ocean Sea cannot be crossed by Man.

Like Kirk, Spock and Bones.....He Went To The Final Frontier.....The Ocean Sea....

Columbus was an explorer, a map maker and a sailor. He thrilled at listening to every sailor and map maker story from England to Africa. He visited every market place in between to find the latest maps and charts of the Ocean Sea. If there was Viking, Chinese or other ancient Map, he would have owned it.

It was 1492. All the Christian world was CATHOLIC (or Greek Orthodox). There were NO Protestant Sects as yet. That was 50 years in the future. Columbus had to convince the POPE AND QUEEN ISABELLA.

It was the beginning of the Spanish Inquisition in Spain. You could be burned at the stake if your new Scientific theory conflicted with Papal edict. No other explorer faced such incredible pressures both Politically, Spiritually, Financially and PERSONALLY.

I rarely recommed a Film. Mario Puzo and the Salkind Brothers with Warner Brothers did a fine job of capturing ALL THESE INCREDIBLE elements of Columbus Achievement in a single film. From the 500th Anniversary year of 1992. "CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS - THE DISCOVERY", (1992) Marlon Brando, Tom Selleck, George Corraface, Rachel Ward, Robert Davi, Catherine Zeta Jones.
All explorers thrive on PROOF. Bring back the PROOF. Every explorer knows intuitvely that he must PROVE HE WAS THERE. He does not need to be told that by a Corporation Lawyer like me.

Any explorer to North America brings back Bison Skulls, Racoon and Beaver Pelts, American Antelope racks. You bring back Native Americans or their paraphernalia such as trading supplies or costumes. Headwear or Beads. You make maps and publish them to the heads of the State, Government or Tribe.

Columbus and his able crew Three Caravels strong, took 6 Months of hard work to prepare for the crossing of the Atlantic Ocean from February to August 1492. There are many so called Authorities today who seem to imply that other alleged solitary visitors to the New World just basically hopped in a boat and went to the New World just a you and I would go to the Mall.

This of course is totally preposterous. I dare say even the would be Explorers themselves would say these so called Authorities have absolutely no basis to make such an outrageous claim.

Columbus prepared for years. He kept a meticulous log of his four voyages. No other alleged visitor to North America can say that. There is no Anciet Buffalo Skull in a burial tomb in Europe.

Columbus was first to suspect the route. He was the first European to sail the route. He was the first non Native American to set foot in the New World on October 12, 1492. If others preceded him, they would have published it. That is what Explorers and Sailors do.

Columbus was a product of his 1492 World. It was the peak of the rise of the Capitalist. The Merchant class was rising as the newest Nobility. The stage was set for a Capitalistic Enterprise of fame and fortune.

To the East, the Muslim World rich in tradition and learning was not interested in trade beyond its borders or its religion. The traditional Trade Routes to the East traveled my Marco Polo in the 1200's were now blocked by Muslim and Turk intervention. To use those routes, you had to become Muslim. At home he had to contend with the Traditions of the equally controlling Catholic Papal edicts. Necessity was truly the Mother of Invention for the Age of Discovery and Columbus.
The East was blocked. You had to go West.

China and Japan, who once had the finest vessels afloat, had long since retreated behind the great walls of their own domains.

To the West was a Forbidden Sea which Christian, Asian and Muslim considered impassible. The Peoples of the West though learned and advanced had no need to explore the waters surrounding them. When Columbus found them, they had no vessels with any use of sails.

This is curious for a people who we are told had supposedly been visited many times over hundreds of years by everyone with sails prior to October 12, 1492?

Thank You, Admiral Of The Ocean Sea,

Dennis A. Sommese, Esq.
Executive Officer and Founder, Admiral of the Ocean Sea Foundation (AOSF)

See Also:
1. [[ ]]
2. 4th Voyage of Columbus: [[ ]]
3. 4th Voyage of Columbus: [[ ]]
4. [[Henry Edwards Watts. "The Story of the Cid (1026-1099)" in The Christian Recovery of Spain: The Story of Spain from the Moorish Conquest to the Fall of Grenada (711-1492 AD). New York: Putnam, 1894. 71-91. ]]
5. "EL CID," (1961) Samuel L. Bronston Productions, Inc., Charlton Heston, Sophia Loren. The Story of Rodrigo Diaz DeBivar (El Cid). At a time of Crusades in the Holy Land, El Cid leads an Army of Both Christian and Muslim Knights to Protect Spain from an invading Moorish Muslim Army from North Africa.
6. "Christopher Columbus - The Discovery,", (1992) Alexander Salkind Productions, Warner Brothers Films, Marlon Brando, Tom Selleck, George Corraface, Rachel Ward, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Robert Davi; and Benicio Del Toro.  In cooperation with Quinto Centenario Spain. (See photo above).

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